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Drawstring Garbage Bag

Aluminium Foil 440447

LARGE (4 Roll) LARGE (6 Roll) MEDIUM (4 Roll) MEDIUM (6 Roll) SMALL (4 Roll) SMALL (6 Roll)
Black Green

price 356648

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Shalimar Premium OXO – Biodegradable Drawstring Garbage Bag. Each bag has a unique detachable tie-tape to tie the bags after use and for easy disposal. They are tough, thanks to a special type of star seal at the bottom. It comes with a perforation technology for quickly separating the bags from the roll

Shalimar Premium OXO – Biodegradable Drawstring Garbage Bag. Each bag has a unique detachable tie-tape to tie the bags after use and for easy disposal. They are tough, thanks to a special type of star seal at the bottom. It comes with a perforation technology for quickly separating the bags from the roll

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